Norsk Folkemuseum

Norway’s largest muse­um of cul­tur­al his­to­ry fea­tur­ing the world’s old­est open air muse­um and large indoor collections.

I learnt that col­or pho­tog­ra­phy is old­er than I thought: Nor­way 1910 – in Colour: An exhi­bi­tion of the first col­or doc­u­men­ta­tion from Nor­way, from Albert Kahn’s Archives de la plan­et in Paris. Some parts of Nor­way reminds me of Tyrol. I had to think that when I was small the straw weren’t big bale of straws whe can see every­where in the world which look the same way. We called them Straw men because they looked like man with a gown.

Out­side they built hous­es from all over Nor­way. I have to admit that I become tired after 3 hours and I would rec­om­mend, come ear­ly, take some­thing to eat with you, make reg­u­lary breaks … or come twice. I was too tired to go to the house of the mid­dle ages and I missed the one or oth­er parts. But I would have loved more expla­na­tions on the hous­es and the way they lived there. Or how long a house with gras on the roof sur­vives? Why did they have sleep­ing hous­es and how many slept inside and why were no win­dows in this house? And so on and so forth. I want to under­stand and they weren’t very in explain­ing.
But the hous­es and the wood­en church are def­i­nite­ly worth to be seen.

2 Antworten auf „Norsk Folkemuseum“

    1. The one on the piles are most­ly stor­age hous­es. This method was used world wide against mice. The “nor­mal” log cab­ins look sim­i­lar in Aus­tria too. But we used to have stones as base. So I should go to a open air muse­um in Aus­tria too, to show you how it looks like here. Although Aus­tria is small, it is dif­fer­ent from state to state. Love Ruth 

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