canola — Raps

When­ev­er I flew in spring time, I want­ed to take pics… here they are…

Final­ly I found time for the trav­el dur­ing spring. It was a love­ly vis­it just watch­ing chil­dren all day long.

2 Antworten auf „canola — Raps“

    1. Dear Har­ri­et,
      you might have seen that these pho­tos were tak­en in May. The canola is always impress­ing in spring but it is not so easy to make nice pics. Even in the air it is dif­fi­cult because the air­plane is mov­ing so fast (and isn’t think­ing of my pho­tos). But I am hap­py that I got it once at least. Next days new things will fol­low. But I need a lit­tle time to digest. Love Ruth

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